Friday, April 25, 2008

the list of lists

1. one of the deffinitions to evaperation is, The change of a liquid into a vapor at a temperature below the boiling point. Evaporation takes place at the surface of a liquid, where molecules with the highest kinetic energy are able to escape. When this happens, the average kinetic energy of the liquid is lowered, and its temperature decreases.

2. three processes to form clouds are evaperation condensation transperation.

4. precipitation is when water ice or snow falls from the clouds.

5. 5 ways to conserve water is to turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth and another is to not take so long showeres and a nother is to not fill your glass up all the way if you are not going to drink all that and another is to not fill the bath tub up all the way when you take a bath.

6. yes beacause dinasours lakes evaperated and then rained and repeated that and is still happening today.

7. water gets on the outside of the glass and sortov fogs up and then some of it can evaperate.

8. the sun.

9.when it evaperates.

10. water gets evaperated in to the clouds anc then gets stored there untill it cant hold any more than rains and then repeates itself.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

the wate cycle

the water cycle is when water gets evaperated in to any cloud or clouds. then afther the clouds cant hold any more then it falls out in rain snow hail or sleet. it can fall in rain sleet or snow beacause it is cold up on the top of the world. the water goes back into the lake and reapeates it self over and over again forever.

Friday, April 18, 2008


i get grounded to much and i need to stop being late so i can go some where and not just stay home beacause it is really boring just to stay home and you cant donothing and it is really anoying beacause your perrents yell at you a lot and it gets really anoying well i got to go eat bye.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the most funniest thing that happened to me.

do you guys want to know what the funniest thing that ever happened to me is? well you are going to find out. the most funnist thing that ever happened to me is when i puked in front of the class room and it was lime green. it was imberresing beacause it almost hit this girl britny and she was like "ewwww" and it was way imberrising. now the other most imberrising thing that happened to me was when in third grade i couldnt button my pants so i had to have my third grade teacher button my pants it was way imberrising.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

what really makes me mad

what really makes me MAD is when people wont leave me alone. i some times do it to other people and i know it makes them mad so i am trying not to do it any more. it also make me MAD when people are trying to act popular and cool and they think they are better than everone else in the univurse. then i just want to kill them or somthing like that. it is so frustrating beacause then they take your frends from you and it gets really anoying. Those are most of the reasons i get MAD. The end

Monday, April 14, 2008

wy i love mexico

hey everyone. my favorite place in the world is in mexico. i like mexico beacasue it is by the ocean and it is not some boring old random place. it is fun because you can go fishing in the ocean and you can go to the gulf of mexico. there are alot of big fish their. but getting back on the subject it is a cool place beacause they have amusment parks and some of them speek spanish so it is kool to visit spanish people and stuff. they also make kool nick nacks you can get some kool souvenirs and stuff. that is all the reasons or all the ones i can think of right now why i love mexico.